Магазин радиоуправляемых
моделей и игрушек.
На рынке с 2007 года
График работы: г. Москва, ул. Новоостаповская, 5/1
Пн-Пт - 10.00 - 17.00 6 этаж, офис 208.
Сб-Вс - Выходной м. "Дубровка", "Волгоградский пр."
8 (495) 411-22-91
email: vyacheslavyugay@mail.ru
So you want to unleash the fury by shooting missiles automatically like a machine gun? Your dreams have come true! Now you can fire off missile one at a time or six missiles all at once! Thanks to this infrared co-axial RC helicopter with built in Gyro, you can aim at your target accurately without worry of losing control or running out of missiles.
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