Springrc sr811 164g metal gear 33kg robot

Артикул: QQ15154
(0 голосов)
3 720 руб.
  • product details








product name : steering gear
number : type sr811
recommended : usage robot

product description
with robot big torque analog servo ( cover with supporting shaft ) , metal tooth 4 + 1 plastic tooth , 180 degree rotation , pwm control signal , pulse : range 0.5ms ~ 2.5ms , clock-wise rotating , double bearing .
product packaging
box packaging
packaging : content steering gear ontological & times . 1 a , swing arm & times of the anammox annex 1 bags , manual 1 zhang
packing size : measurement - 95 & times . 65 & times . 75mm net weight - 164g
bulimic ( pe bags )
Packaging : content steering gear ontological & times . 1 a , swing arm & times of the anammox annex 1 bags
packing size : measurement - 160 & times . 100 & times . 0.07mm , net weight - 164g , - 188.3g GW

product specification technical parameters
measurement ( mm ) weight line long 4.8v 6v rotation angle
speed torque speed torque
a b c d e g oz cm sec / 60 & deg . kg & middot . cm oz & middot . in r / m sec / 60 & deg . oz & middot . in
60.5 30.7 60 69.0 16.9 164 5.75 30.0 0.25 26 361.70 0.21 33


180 & deg .
( product specifications are correction , notice )












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