Магазин радиоуправляемых
моделей и игрушек.
На рынке с 2007 года
График работы: г. Москва, ул. Новоостаповская, 5/1
Пн-Пт - 10.00 - 17.00 6 этаж, офис 208.
Сб-Вс - Выходной м. "Дубровка", "Волгоградский пр."
8 (495) 411-22-91
email: vyacheslavyugay@mail.ru
The program card is used to set the programmable items for the SKYLORD ESCs. It functions with the following features:
- Compared with programming the ESC with throttle stick of the transmitter, the program card has a friendly user interface. You can set all the programmable items of ESC easily.
- It is so small that you can put it in pocket when you are on field.