Магазин радиоуправляемых
моделей и игрушек.
На рынке с 2007 года
График работы: г. Москва, ул. Новоостаповская, 5/1
Пн-Пт - 10.00 - 17.00 6 этаж, офис 208.
Сб-Вс - Выходной м. "Дубровка", "Волгоградский пр."
8 (495) 411-22-91
email: vyacheslavyugay@mail.ru
Why we need the shoulder-mounted holder?
1. It is very comfortable for users to mount the holder on your shoulder instead of on radio control. Users often bow their heads and feel dizzy if operating for a long time. Absolutely, it’s not reasonable to fix the holder on radio control.
2. Similarly, holder mounted on the tripod is also not humanistic; an extra assistant will be needed to help to move the tripod if users move, which will result in a bad effect on image view. What’s more, assistant will move tripod and adjust antenna view angle simultaneously if users have 5.8G image transmission to keep in the same direction with aircraft.