Pixhawk I2C 1 trailer 4 для Pix / APM Flight Control

Артикул: 58258
Pixhawk I2C 1 trailer 4 для Pix / APM Flight Control
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155 руб.
Pixhawk / APM flight control only one I2C interface , for connecting more than one I2C peripherals , you can use this breakout board ; Pixhawk-I2C Breakout Board with five completely parallel vertical 1.25-4 bit socket convenient in 1 trailer 4 is connected four I2C peripherals , such as simultaneously using an external compass module with RGB case .
I2C Breakout Board look at flight control and Pixhawk connection ( Note that this price is only included I2C Breakout Board and Cable ) :
Product Size:
12 × 30 × 6mm
Package includes :
I2C Breakout Board × 1;
Cable 60mm × 1.
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