Магазин радиоуправляемых
моделей и игрушек.
На рынке с 2007 года
График работы: г. Москва, ул. Новоостаповская, 5/1
Пн-Пт - 10.00 - 17.00 6 этаж, офис 208.
Сб-Вс - Выходной м. "Дубровка", "Волгоградский пр."
8 (495) 411-22-91
email: vyacheslavyugay@mail.ru
Dynam Super J3 Piper Cub
The new Dynam Super J3 Piper Cub is ready to fly (PNP) with all electronics pre-installed. Users of all levels can fly this plane, even in windy conditions. This plane comes with a powerful brushless direct drive motor system for smooth airflow, stability, and ease of flight. You can even steer the rear wheel for greater control on the ground!
Dynam Piper J3 Cub RC Airplane Specifications